Monday, April 28, 2008

Caitlin Goes to the Prom

I was recently asked to make a prom dress for my friend Caitlin for her Roller Derby Prom. The stipulations were that it must be turquoise or teal and there needed to be a cloud with lighting bolts somewhere on the dress.

Of course, I didn't start working on it until 3 days before the event, but nevertheless, here is what I came up with. It actually was pretty simple. I really like the "cupcake" skirt which I made by gathering the bottom and attaching it to a fitted lining underneath. I always get frustrated when I have to do finishing touches like hemming, so it was really rewarding to just attach the lining to the skirt and have it be done.

But no outfit is complete until you got the perfect hairdo to complement it. Our dear friend, Katie, did a fabulous beehive for the occasion and Ta-Da! the ensemble is complete.

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